This story is part of Digital Internship Program, Assignment by Mr Deepak Kanakaraju, My Mentor
Entrepreneur Magazine : 04 Dec 2031

As we have been celebrating Navy Day in honour of the victory of the Indian Navy on this very day in 1971, let us also look at the other side of the lives of naval veterans by focusing on Mr Bharat Kumar, an extraordinary and exemplary Navy veteran who became an entrepreneur.

It is fitting that he is known as “Bharat” since that is the name of the country from where his life began as an ordinary man. At 36 years old, after retiring from the Navy and failing to make a big difference in Network Marketing, despite putting in his best efforts and declining several government employment offers (even after qualifying for them), he gave up on his entrepreneurial dreams starting his innings again at a private limited company. As a result, his skill set and dedication earned him a livelihood, not a future.

However, fate had other plans for him, and while people across the world lost their jobs, God bestowed upon him a position in the government. In it, he read a new beginning and graciously accepted it. Soon he realised that he could not rest on this gift and had to build upon it. To again venture into the world of Marketing in a much better and systematic way now as a thorough professional, and he needed to up-skill.
The pandemic has proven a boon for the Digital World, especially Digital Marketing. Begun the search and thanks to Artificial Intelligence, found Digital Deepak Internship Program by Mr Deepak Kanakaraju (this field of expertise he terms, has changed his life). The knowledge gained, support recieved, the confidence awoke from this program helped him become a Digital Entrepreneur, venturing into Digital Marketing, Affiliate marketing, Motivational Training. This once simple middle class guy is today a brand in himself who is an expert Speaker, great Team Leader, Successful Entrepreneur with his share of Best selling books, Blogs with huge fan following, most profounding own community for his followers to help each other and together be a success.